Monday, July 20, 2009

Bonfire Sketch-aroo

new comics are on the way, but not getting done this week, so to tide you elite few readers over until then, here's some sketches i did at a bonfire recently. two of the originals were given away, so all I have are facebook-sized photos of them.

I still have this third drawing but I'm to lazy to hunt it down ant scan it in to post here. Maybe later I'll replace this photo with a proper scanned version.

this fourth one was of one of the girls at the bonfire, who had just about the coolest hair-do ever. In fact the drawing really doesn't do it justice.

EDIT: (updated) here is a scan of the third sketch. You may notice a slight alteration i made to Edwin's fishing pole between the time the drawing was photographed and when it was scanned. These sketches were all done with a ballpoint pen, so after i scanned this in, I had to Photoshop out the original fishing pole.


Josh 'Hat' Lieberman said...

Hey bro
thanks for the comment.
means a lot.
This stuff is great dude, can't wait for new comics.

Jason J. said...

Yeah, forward curve on the pole looks more natural. And really fun sketches :) I never get tired of seeing raw sketches like these... the roughness gives such vitality to it.